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Tollius, Jacobus, -1696

LC control no.n 00064244
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingTollius, Jacobus, -1696
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Tol, Jacques, -1696
Tollius, Jacobus, d. 1696
Tollius, Jakob, -1696
Death date1696
Found inTollius, Jacobus. Jacobi Tollii Epistolae itinerariae, 1700: t.p. (Jacobi Tollii)
JoĢˆcher (Tollius, Jac. ; starbe zu Utrecht 1696)
NUC pre-1962 12 entries--11 in Latin, 1 in French! (Tollius, Jakob; dates 1630?-1696 or d. 1696)
Le chemin du ciel chymique, 1688: t.p. (Jacques Tol)