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Arta Terme (Italy)

LC control no.n 2002038352
Geographic headingArta Terme (Italy)
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Geographic subdivision usageItaly--Arta Terme
Variant(s)Darte (Italy)
Arta (Italy)
Special notePossibly, Arta was once official name; cf. BGN and GEV citations below.
Found inArta Terme, 2001. t.p. (Arta Terme) p. opp. t.p. (Comune di Arta Terme, Udine, Italia) p. 5 (Darte) p. 7 (Arta)
GeoNet, 25 June 2002 (Arta Terme, ppl 46°28ʹ37ʺN 13°01ʹ51ʺE; variant, Arta)
Societât filologijche furlane. Darte e la Cjargne, 1981: t.p. (Darte) p. 25 (Arta)
BGN (Arta, ppl. 46°28ʹN, 13°00ʹE; verified 10/4/82)
GEV (Arta. Com. in prov. di Udine)
GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 46°28ʹ37ʺN 013°01ʹ51ʺE)
Geographic area codee-it---
Invalid LCCNn 82143542