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Lake Forest (Orange County, Calif.)

LC control no.n 2002125284
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingLake Forest (Orange County, Calif.)
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Geographic subdivision usageCalifornia--Lake Forest (Orange County)
See alsoEl Toro (Calif.)
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Found inCustom Maps (Firm). El Toro, Leisure World, Lake Forest, New World, c1972.
GNIS, Mar. 11, 2002 (Lake Forest, Calif., PPL, Orange Co.; 33°38ʹ49ʺN, 117°41ʹ18ʺW; variant names: El Toro, Eltoro; El Toro incorporated with the new name of Lake Forest 12/20/91)
Rand McNally comm. atlas, 1999: (Lake Forest; Orange Co.; also listed another PPL with same name)
Geographic area coden-us-ca