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Decker, John, 1895-1947

LC control no.n 2004003127
Personal name headingDecker, John, 1895-1947
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Von der Decken, Leopold, 1895-1947
Der Decken, Leopold von, 1895-1947
Decken, Leopold von der, 1895-1947
Found inJordan, Stephen C. Bohemian rogue, 2005: eCIP t.p. (John Decker; Hollywood artist)
WWW site for CalArt, 06-24-2004: (John Decker, 1895-1947; painter, caricaturist, sculptor; b. Leopold von der Decken in Germany; immigrated to America in 1922; worked mainly in Hollywood)