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Čierny Balog (Slovakia)

LC control no.n 2004106085
Geographic headingČierny Balog (Slovakia)
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Geographic subdivision usageSlovakia--Čierny Balog
Found inKováčik, Peter. Čierny Balog, 2003L: t.p. (Čierny Balog) p. 284 (situated in the central part of the Upper Hron Lowland)
Stat. lexik. obci ČSSR, p. 460 (Čierny Balog ; kraj stredoslovenský)
BGN 08-26-04 (Čierny Balog, ppl. 48°45Ń - 19°40É)
Malá encykl. Slovenska, 1987, p. 90 (Čierny Balog, ppl. in the vicinity of Ban. Bystrica)
Geographic area codee-xo---