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Topbaş, Osman Nuri

LC control no.n 2007078494
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingTopbaş, Osman Nuri
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Variant(s)Topbash, Osman Nuri
Tupbosh, Usmon Nurī
Tubbosh, Usmon Nuri
Tŭpbosh, Usmon Nuriĭ
Nurī Tupbosh, Usmon
Found inTopbaş, Osman Nuri. Islam, 2003: t.p. (Osman Nuri Topbaş)
Azireti Mukhammad Mustafa, 2007: v. 1, t.p. (Osman Nuri Topbash) p. preceding t.p. (b. Istanbul, 1942)
Muḣammad Rasululloḣ, 2010: t.p. (Usmon Nurī Tupbosh) cover (Usmon Nuri Tubbosh) t.p. verso (Usmon Nurī Tupbosh)
Bir kŭza suv, 2007: title page (Usmon Nuriĭ Tŭpbosh)
Associated languagetur
Invalid LCCNn 2012019868