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Buchholtz, Jakab, 1696-1758

LC control no.n 2012021278
Personal name headingBuchholtz, Jakab, 1696-1758
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Found inA magyar Tátra-kutatás apostolai, 2011: p. 71 (Buchholtz Jakab, b. Oct. 29, 1696 Késmárk, Slovakia, d. May 14, 1758, Késmárk, Slovakia) p. 81 (other son of the elder Georg Buchholtz (1643-1724))
Life Prešov Online WWW site, Mar. 30, 2012, (Another son, James Buchholtz (1696-1754) tried in vain to find gold in the Tatras, but left behind the results of mineralogical and other observations of Tatra nature.)