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Grassellini, Gaspare, 1795 or 1796-1875

LC control no.n 2018052608
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingGrassellini, Gaspare, 1795 or 1796-1875
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Variant(s)Grassellini, Gasparo, 1795 or 1796-1875
Birth date1795 or 1796
Death date1875
Place of birthPalermo (Italy)
Place of deathFrascati (Italy)
AffiliationCatholic Church
Profession or occupationCardinals
Found inCollezione delle disposizioni emanate su li più antichi censimenti dello Stato Pontificio, 1845- : v. 1, p. XII (il pro-presidente del Censo, Gasparo Grassellini)
VIAF, accessed September 10, 2018: 89571324 (hdgs.: Grassellini, Gaspare, 1795-1875; Gaspare Grassellini, cardinale italiano)
The Cardinals of the Holy Roman Church, viewed online September 10, 2018: Grassellini, Gaspare, 1796-1875. Birth: 1796, Palermo, Sicily. Cardinalate: Created cardinal deacon in the consistory of June 16, 1856; received the red hat and the deaconry of Ss. Vito e Modesto, June 19, 1856. Opted for the deaconry of S. Maria ad Martyres, December 20, 1867. Participated in the First Vatican Council, 1869-1870. Pro-president of the Congregation of the Census, 1841-1847. Died: 1875, Frascati)