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Belgrano, Manuel, 1770-1820

LC control no.n 50006486
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBelgrano, Manuel, 1770-1820
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Variant(s)Belgrano González Peri, Manuel, 1770-1820
González Peri, Manuel Belgrano, 1770-1820
Peri, Manuel Belgrano González, 1770-1820
Associated countrySpain
Birth date1770-06-03
Death date1820-06-20
Place of birthBuenos Aires (Argentina)
Place of deathBuenos Aires (Argentina)
Field of activityArgentina--History--War of Independence, 1810-1817
Profession or occupationMilitary officer Lawyer
Found inMitre, B. Historia de Belgrano, 1858-9
Manuel Belgrano, c2008: t.p. (Manuel Belgrano; Manuel Belgrano González Peri)
Martí, Gerardo Marcelo. Manuel Belgrano, 2013: title page (Manuel Belgrano) page facing title page (Manuel José Joaquín del Corazón de Jesús Belgrano, born Bs. As. [Buenos Aires, Argentina], June 3, 1770; died Bs. As. June 20, 1820)
Encyclopedia Britannica, June 30, 2016: (Manuel Belgrano; military leader in the Argentine war for independence; studied law in Spain)
Nuevo diccionario biográfico argentino, 1750-1930, 1968: volume 1, page 391, etc. (Manuel Belgrano; born June 3, 1770 in Buenos Aires; baptized as Manuel Joaquín del Corazón de Jesús; father was Domingo Belgrano Peri and his mother was María Josefa González Casero; lawyer; military officer; died June 20, 1820 in Buenos Aires)
Gran enciclopedia argentina, 1956: volume 1, page 437, etc. (Manuel Belgrano; born June 3, 1770 in Buenos Aires; father was Domingo Belgrano y Peri and his mother was María Josefa González Casero; lawyer; military officer; died June 20, 1820 in Buenos Aires)
Instituto Nacional Belgraniano website, September 30, 2019: (Manuel José Joaquín del Corazón de Jesús Belgrano; born June 3, 1770 in Buenos Aires; father was Domingo Belgrano Pérez and his mother was María Josefa González; died June 20, 1820 in Buenos Aires)
Associated languagespa