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Philostratus, the Athenian, active 2nd century-3rd century

LC control no.n 50012277
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPA4272
Personal name headingPhilostratus, the Athenian, active 2nd century-3rd century
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Variant(s)Filostrat, Flaviĭ, active 2nd century-3rd century
Filóstrato, el Viejo, active 2nd century-3rd century
Filostrato, Flavio, active 2nd century-3rd century
Filostrato, Maggiore, active 2nd century-3rd century
Filostratos, Flawiusz, active 2nd century-3rd century
Flavio Filostrato, active 2nd century-3rd century
Flavius Philostratus, active 2nd century-3rd century
Flawiusz Filostratos, active 2nd century-3rd century
Philostratos, active 2nd century-3rd century
Philostratos, Phlauios, active 2nd century-3rd century
Philostratus, active 2nd century-3rd century
Philostratus, Flavius
Philostratus, Flavius, active 2nd century-3rd century
Philostratus II, active 2nd century-3rd century
Philostratus, the Athenian, 2nd/3rd cent.
Philostratus, the Elder, active 2nd century-3rd century
Phlauios Philostratos, active 2nd century-3rd century
Beginning date01
Ending date02
Associated placeAthens (Greece)
Profession or occupationSophists (Greek philosophy)
Found inGrant, M. Greek and Latin authors, 1980 (Philostratus, Flavius, a Greek sophist, b. ca. 170 A.D., d. in reign of Philip the Arabian (r. 244-249); great confusion arises from probable existence of no less than four writers of this name)
Anderson, G. Philostratus, 1986: index (Philostratus the Athenian) p. 3 (a sophist, b. somewhere around the 170s; the Suda puts his death in the reign of Philip the Arab (244-9); the 2nd in a line of 4 (or 1st of 3) Philostrati from Lemnos; the ascription of the Lives of the sophists gives the author's name as Flavius Philostratus; epigraphic evidence enables us to add at least tentatively a praenomen Lucius)
LC data base, 1-16-87 (hdg.: Philostratus, Flavius, ca. 170-ca. 245) LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Philostratus, Flavius)
BLC (Philostratus, the Elder)
His Vite dei sofisti, 1987: t.p. (Flavio Filostrato)
His Zhiznʹ Apollonii︠a︡ Tianskogo, 1985: t.p. (Flaviĭ Filostrat)
His Philostratorum et Callistrati opera, 1849: p. 1 (Philostratou [in Greek alphabet] ... Philostrati ... ) p. 195 (Phlauios Philostratos [in Greek alphabet]; Flavius Philostratus)
Imágenes, c1993: t.p. (Filóstrato el Viejo)
Flinterman, Jaap-Jan. Power, paideia & Pythagoreanism, 1995: p. 6-7 (almost universally agreed upon that the same Philostratus wrote the Life of Apollonius of Tyana and Lives of the sophists also wrote Gymnasticus; also called Philostratus II) p. 10-11 (the first collection of the Imagines has been attributed to both Philostratus the Athenian and Philostratus the Lemnian, depending on how the lineage of the Philostrati is interpreted)
Dictionary of Greek and Roman mythology online, June 4, 2007: (Suidas describes the first Philostratus as the son of Verus and alive during the reign of Nero (54-68 B.C.E.), the second Philostratus as the son of the first and alive during the reign of Philip the Arab (244-249 B.C.E.), and the third Philostratus as the grand-nephew of the second and the author of Eikonas, Panathenaikon, and Troikon. This chronologically impossible description has caused great confusion and speculation over the authorship of Philostratus's works)
Żywoty sofistów, 2008: t.p. (Flawiusz Filostratos)
La pinacoteca, 2010: t.p. (Filostrato Maggiore)
Associated languagegrc