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Wundt, Wilhelm Max, 1832-1920

LC control no.n 50019417
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWundt, Wilhelm Max, 1832-1920
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Variant(s)Fêng-tê, Wei-lien, 1832-1920
Vundt, V., 1832-1920
Wundt, Wilhelm, 1832-1920
Birth date1832-08-16
Death date1920-08-31
Found inHis Vierteljahrsschrift für wissenschaftliche Philosophie, 1877-91.
Wundt studies, 1980: t.p. (Wundt) p. v (Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt)
Die allgemeine Psychologie Wilhelm Wundts, 1982: t.p. (Wilhelm Wundt)
Nicholas, Serge. La psychologie de W. Wundt (1832-1920), c2003
Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), 2018: p. 20 (b. August 16, 1832; d. August 31, 1920)