LC control no. | n 50063077 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Corporate name heading | National Library of New Zealand |
Variant(s) | National Library (N.Z.) New Zealand. Department of Education. National Library of New Zealand New Zealand. Department of Internal Affairs. National Library of New Zealand Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa, Te Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa |
See also | New Zealand. National Library Service Alexander Turnbull Library General Assembly Library New Zealand. Parliamentary Library Hierarchical superior: New Zealand. Department of Education Hierarchical superior: New Zealand. Department of Internal Affairs |
Special note | On Apr. 1, 1966 the New Zealand. National Library Service, the Alexander Turnbull Library and the General Assembly Library merged to form the National Library of New Zealand. Both the Alex. Turn. Lib. and the Gen. Ass. Lib. continued to exist as autonomous bodies. On Jan. 1, 1987 the Gen. Ass. Lib. separated from the Nat. Lib. of NZ and changed its name to New Zealand. Parliamentary Library |
Found in | Its New Zealand library symbols ... 1968 Report of the National Library of New Zealand, 31 Dec., 1989: t.p. (National Library of New Zealand, Te Puna Mātauranga o Aotearoa) Te Puna Matauranga, Feb. 1989: t.p. (Te Puna Matauranga) NZ files, Jan. 28, 2003 (hdg.: National Library of New Zealand) Conservation framing of works of art on paper, c2004 cover (National Library) National Lib.of NZ WWW site, Feb. 2, 2011: about us, history (1988,National Library becomes an autonomous government department, no longer administered by the Department of Education) The Dept. of Internal Affairs WWW site, Feb. 2, 2011: about Internal Affairs (From Feb. 1, 2011 the Dept. of Internal Affairs has a new organisation structure, incorporating the National Library of New Zealand, Archives New Zealand, Office for the Voluntary and Community Sector and the Government Chief Information Officer) |