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Laube, Johannes

LC control no.n 79044650
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLaube, Johannes
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Other standard no.000000011061571X
Birth date1937-02-26
Death date2012-08-15
Place of birthSeligenstadt (Hesse, Germany)
AffiliationUniversität München
Profession or occupationJapanologists Buddhist scholars College teachers
Found inOyagami, 1978: t.p. (Johannes Laube)
Dialektik der absoluten Vermittlung, c1984: t.p. (Johannes Laube) cover p. 4 (b. 1937; Dr. phil. habil.; seit 1975 Lehraufträge an der Gesamthochs. Paderborn u. an d. Univ. Marburg; seit 1981 Privatdozent)
Das Böse in den Weltreligionen, c2003: t.p. (Johannes Laube)
Wikipedia, viewed March 14, 2023 (Johannes Laube; born February 26, 1937 in Seligenstadt; died August 15, 2012; Japanologist, religious scholar and Buddhist researcher; from 1987 to 2002 professor of religion and philosophy of modern Japan at the Ludwig-Maximilian University Munich)