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Krzyżanowski, Ludwik, 1906-

LC control no.n 79095494
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingKrzyżanowski, Ludwik, 1906-
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Associated countryPoland
United States
Birth date1906-11-10
Death date1986-03-16
Place of birthKrosno (Województwo Podkarpackie, Poland)
Place of deathShannock (R.I.)
AffiliationPolish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America
Columbia University
New York University
Profession or occupationAnglicists Translators
Found inKridl, M. For your freedom and ours, 1943.
The Jewish community in Poland, 1985: page 8 (Ludwik Krzyźanowski; vice-president, the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America)
Wikipedia, viewed February 28, 2025: Polish Ludwik Krzyżanowski page ((Ludwik Krzyżanowski; born 10 November 1906 in Krosno; died 16 March 1986 in Shannock, Rhode Island; Anglicist, translator and activist in the Polish emigré community; ilved in United States from 1938 as a cultural and educational attaché in Chicago and New York; later taught Polish literature and language at Columbia University and political sciences at New York University)
Associated languageeng