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Benvenutus, de Imola, -1387 or 1388

LC control no.n 79135408
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBenvenutus, de Imola, -1387 or 1388
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Variant(s)Benevenutus, de Rambaldis, -1387 or 1388
Benevenutus, de Rombaldis, -1387 or 1388
Benevenutus, Imolensis, -1387 or 1388
Benvenuto, da Imola, -1387 or 1388
Benvenutus de Imola, d. 1387 or 8
Benvenutus, de Imola, d. 1387 or 8
Da Imola, Benvenuto, -1387 or 1388
Imola, Benvenutus de, -1387 or 1388
Rambaldi, Benvenuto, -1387 or 1388
Rambaldis, Beneuenutus de, -1387 or 1388
Rambaldis, Benevenutus, -1387 or 1388
Rambaldis, Benvenutus de, -1387 or 1388
Rombaldis, Beneuenutus de, -1387 or 1388
Rombaldis, Benevenutus de, -1387 or 1388
Death date[1387,1388]
Found inLibrorum Francisci Petrarchae Basileae impressorum annotatio, 1496: t.p. (Beneuenuti de Rombaldis ...) p. 723 (... Beneuenuti de Rambaldis)
Benvenuto da Imola, c2001.
Librorum Francisci Petrarchae Basileae impressorum annotatio, 1496: t.p. (Beneuenuti de Rombaldis) fol. ⁴b5v (...Beneuenuti de Rambaldis)