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ʻEn ha-Mifrats (Israel)

LC control no.n 80147917
Geographic headingʻEn ha-Mifrats (Israel)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Geographic subdivision usageIsrael--ʻEn ha-Mifrats
Variant(s)ʻEn HaMifraẓ, Israel
ʻEn HaMifraẓ (Israel)
Ein Hamifratz (Israel)
ʻEn ha-Mifraẓ (Israel)
Found inPolah, shenatayim li-feṭiratah, 1959 (subj.) t.p. (ʻEn ha-Mifrats)
Phone call to BGN, 10/20/80 (ʻEn HaMifraẓ, ppl, 32°54ʹN, 35°06ʹE; variant: Ein Hamifratz)
Geographic area codea-is---