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Synesius, of Cyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais

LC control no.n 81055375
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSynesius, of Cyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais
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Variant(s)Cyrene, Synesius of, Bishop of Ptolemais
Qūrīnāʼī, Sūnisiyūs, Bishop of Ptolemais
Sinesio, di Cirene, Bishop of Ptolemais
Sūnisiyūs al-Qūrīnāʼī, Bishop of Ptolemais
Sūnisiyūs, Qūrīnāʼī, Bishop of Ptolemais
Synésios, de Cyrène, Bishop of Ptolemais
Synesios, ho Kyrēnaios, Bishop of Ptolemais
Synesios, Kyrēnaios, Bishop of Ptolemais
Synesios, von Kyrene, Bishop of Ptolemais
Synesius, Cyrenaeus, Bishop of Ptolemais
Synesius, van Cyrene, Bisschop van Ptolemais
Synesius Cyrenaeus, Bp. of Ptolemais
Other standard no.0000000121458721
Profession or occupationPhilosophers Orators Bishops
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Found inRoques, D. Synésios de Cyrène et la Cyrénaïque du Bas-Empire, 1987.
Synesiou Kyrēnaiou hymnoi emmetroi, 1968.
Wikipedia, viewed August 19, 2021 (Synesius van Cyrene; born ca. 370; died 413); Greco-Roman philosopher, orator and bishop)