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Ānandamūrti, 1921-1990

LC control no.n 81100985
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingĀnandamūrti, 1921-1990
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Variant(s)Ānandamūrtti, 1921-1990
Baba, 1921-1990
See alsoReal identity: Sarkar, Prabhat Ranjan, 1921-1990
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Other standard no.0000 0001 1562 2775
Found inAuthor's Baba's grace ... 1973.
Namāmi Kr̥shṇasundaram, 1981: t.p. (Ānandamūrtti) data from India (founder of the Anandamarga movement)
Wikipedia, viewed Nov. 6, 2007 (Prabhat Ranjan Sarkar (May 21, 1921-Oct. 21, 1990); P.R. Sarkar; Anandamurti)
Associated languageben eng
Invalid LCCNn 89119590 n 88109956