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Snell, Bruno, 1896-1986

LC control no.n 81116818
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingSnell, Bruno, 1896-1986
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Variant(s)Snell, Bruno Karl Johannes Richard, 1896-1986
Birth date18960618
Death date19861031
Place of birthHildesheim, Germany
Place of deathHamburg, Germany
Field of activityclassics
Profession or occupationclassical philologist
Found inDie Ausdrücke für den Begriff des Wissens in der vorplatonischen Philosophie, 1924.
Zum Gedenken an Bruno Snell, 1988: t.p. (Bruno Snell, 1896-1986) p. 9 (d. Oct. 31, 1986), 24 Aug. 2010 (b. 18 June 1896, Hildesheim; d. 31 Oct. 1986, Hamburg; classical philologist)
Associated languageger lat grc