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Vossius, Isaac, 1618-1689

LC control no.n 82066647
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPA8595.V3
Personal name headingVossius, Isaac, 1618-1689
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Variant(s)Vossius, Isaacus, 1618-1689
Vossius, Isaak, 1618-1689
Voss, Isaac, 1618-1689
Associated countryNetherlands Sweden
Birth date1618
Death date1689
Field of activityClassical philology Book collecting
Profession or occupationClassicists Book collectors
Found inHis Observationes variƦ, 1693.
Mela, P. De situ orbis libri III ... 1782: v. 1, t.p. (... Isaaci Vossii)
A treatise concerning the motion of the seas and winds, 1993: CIP t.p. (Isaak Vossius)
Biology and genealogy master index (online), viewed December 20, 2011 (Isaac Voss, 1618-1689; Isaac Vossius, 1618-1689)
Codices Vossiani Latini, 2015-, accessed 15 September 2021 (Isaac Vossius, 1618-1689; classical philologist and manuscript collector; resided in the Netherlands and Sweden)