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Ahrweiler, Hélène

LC control no.n 82106019
Descriptive conventionsrda
LC classificationPA5612.H37
Personal name headingAhrweiler, Hélène
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Variant(s)Arveler, Helenē
Arveler, Helenē Glykatzē-
Glykatzē-Arveler, Helenē
Glykatzi-Ahrweiler, Hélène
Birth date19260829
Place of birthAthens, Greece
AffiliationPanepistēmio Athēnōn
Profession or occupationCollege teachers
Found inByzance et la mer, 1966.
Hē polit. ideol. tēs Vyzant. Autokrat., 1977: t.p. (Ελένη Γλυκατζή-Αρβελέρ = Helenē Glykatzē-Arveler)
nuc89-107446: Etudes sur les structures administratives et sociales de Byzance, 1971 (hdg. on MiEM rept.: Glykatzi-Ahrweiler, Hélène)
Géographie historique du monde méditerranéen, 1988: t.p. (Hélène Ahrweiler)
Monternismos kai Vyzantio, 1992: t.p. (Helenē Arveler)
Wikipedia, December 12, 2013 (Helene Ahrweiler; born August 29, 1926 in Athens; graduated from the University of Athens; Greek university professor and Byzantinist)
Associated languagefre gre
Invalid LCCNn 89672989