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San Salvador (El Salvador : Department)

LC control no.n 82117121
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingSan Salvador (El Salvador : Department)
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Geographic subdivision usageEl Salvador--San Salvador (Department)
Variant(s)San Salvador (Department)
San Salvador (El Salvador : Dept.)
Found inArocha, A. R. La Repúb. de El Salvador, 1975 or 1976: cover (República de El Salvador, Departamento de San Salvador)
BGN req., 7/27/82 (Departamento de San Salvador [San Salvador=brief]; 1st order admin. div.; 13°47ʹN, 89°11ʹW)
BGN gaz., El Salvador, 1956 (San Salvador, name of a Dept. and also a POPL)
GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (adm1; 13°47ʹ00ʺN 089°11ʹ00ʺW)
Geographic area codences---