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Liceti, Fortunio, 1577-1657

LC control no.n 82147291
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLiceti, Fortunio, 1577-1657
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Variant(s)Licetis, Fortunio, 1577-1657
Licetus, Fortunius, 1577-1657
Roel, Conradus van, 1577-1657
Birth date1577-10-03
Death date1657-05-17
Profession or occupationPhilosophers Physicians
Found inOle Worm, De aureo cornu danico ad Licetum responsio, 1676.
BM (Licetus, Fortunius; ref. from Liceti, Fortunio and from Roel, Conradus van, pseud.) [Info from InU]
Encic. ital. (Liceti, Fortunio; doctor, philosopher; b. 10/3/1577, d. 5/17/1657; taught at Pisa, Padua, Bologna)
Poggendorff (Liceti, Fortunio, 1577-1657)
Reuke, L. Leben als zentraler Begriff der Naturphilosophie, 2024: title page (eine Studie zu Fortunio Licetis (1577-1657))