LC control no. | n 82157500 |
Geographic heading | Chehalis (Wash.) |
Geographic subdivision usage | Washington (State)--Chehalis |
Variant(s) | Chehalis, Wash. City of Chehalis (Wash.) |
See also | Saundersville (Wash.) |
Geographic class no. | 4284 C4 |
Beginning date | 1874 |
Associated country | United States |
Located | Washington (State) |
Found in | GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 46°39ʹ43ʺN 122°57ʹ50ʺW) Wikipedia, July 3, 2019 (Chehalis, Washington; city in and county seat of Lewis County, Washington; 46°39ʹ36ʺN 122°57ʹ48ʺW; town was first named Saundersville, for S.S. Saunders, on whose donation land claim it was founded. In 1879, the name was changed to Chehalis, named after the Chehalis people; incorporated on November 23, 1883) Washington place names, via WWW, July 3, 2019 (Chehalis is an important city with forest products industries, on the Chehalis River at the junction of the Newaukum River in west central Lewis County. It was first named Saundersville, for Schyler S. Saunders, who had a Donation Land Claim there. For a time the place was called Saunders Bottom. In 1874, it was changed to the present name by the Northern Pacific Railway. In 1875, legislative action confirmed the change. This Indian name, altered from Chi-ke-lis, means shifting sands, and refers to the sands at the mouth of the Chehalis River. At least 32 spellings of Chehalis are on record. Chehalis was incorporated November 23, 1883) GNIS, July 3, 2019 (Chehalis; variant: Saundersville; populated place, Lewis County, Washington; county seat; current name adopted in 1874; 46.6620478 -122.9640175 46°39ʹ43ʺN 122°57ʹ50ʺW; also lists City of Chehalis, civil, incorporated place, 46.6637601 -122.9647033 46°39ʹ50ʺN 122°57ʹ53ʺW) |
Geographic area code | n-us-wa |