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Breza, Edward

LC control no.n 83006354
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingBreza, Edward
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Birth date1932-09-24
Death date2017
Place of birthKalisz (Poland)
Field of activityOnomastics Polish language--History Dialectology Polish language--Study and teaching Kashubian language--Study and teaching
AffiliationUniwersytet Gdański
Profession or occupationPhilologists Linguists Polonists College teachers
Found inHis Toponimia powiatu kościerskiego, 1974.
National Library of Poland Web OPAC, Jan. 7, 2008 (Breza, Edward (1932- ))
Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia, May 25, 2017: Edward Breza page (Edward Breza; born 24 September 1932 in Kalisz; emeritus professor at the Uniwersytet Gdański; philologist; research interests: onomastics; history of the Polish language, especially in the Pomorze region; current Polish, dialectology with Kashubian studies; the influence of Latin on Polish language; methods for learning Polish and Kashubian)
Gramatyka języka Kaszubskiego, 2022: title page (Edward Breza) page 4 of cover ((1932-2017); Kashubian linguist, professor at the Uniwerstyet Gdański and the Uniwersytet Kazimierza wielkiego w Bydgoszczy; a leading Kashubian scholar)
Associated languagepol