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Levi, Paul, 1883-1930

LC control no.n 83217758
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLevi, Paul, 1883-1930
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Birth date18830311
Death date19300209
Place of birthHechingen (Germany)
Place of deathBerlin (Germany)
Field of activityPolitics
Profession or occupationPolitical leader
Found inQuack, S. Geistig frei und niemandes Knecht, c1983 (a.e.) t.p. (Paul Levi)
LC data base, 7/19/83 (hdg.: Levi, Paul, 1883-1930)
Wikipedia, July 6, 2015 (Paul Levi (March 11, 1883-February 9, 1930) was a German Communist and Social Democratic political leader. Paul Levi was born 11 March 1883 in Hechingen in Hohenzollern Province. Levi died on 9 February 1930 in Berlin.
Associated languageger