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Aslan, Ana, 1897-1988

LC control no.n 83826870
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingAslan, Ana, 1897-1988
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Aslan, Ana, 1897-
Aslanyan, Anna, 1897-1988
Birth date1897-01-01
Death date1988-05-20
Found inLCCN 59-14824: Marx, H. "H₃" in the battle against old age, 1960 (hdg.: Aslan, Ana, 1897- )
LC data base, 10-17-83 (hdg.: Aslan, Ana, 1897- ; usage: Ana Aslan)
Wikipedia, September 13, 2023 (Ana Aslan; born 1 January 1897, Braila, Kingdom of Romania; died 20 May 1988, Bucharest, Socialist Republic of Romania) was a Romanian biologist and physician of partial Armenian descent, born Anna Aslanyan, specialist in gerontology, academician from 1974 and the director of the National Institute of Geriatrics and Gerontology (1958 - 1988).)