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Hirtius, Aulus

LC control no.n 84134395
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHirtius, Aulus
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Variant(s)Hircius, A. (Aulus)
Hirtius, A. (Aulus)
Hirtius Pansa, A. (Aulus)
Pansa, A. Hirtius (Aulus Hirtius)
Hirc̨io, Aulo
Other standard no.0000000122834274
Associated countryRome
Birth date-0089~
Death date-0042-04-27
Field of activityMilitary history
Profession or occupationSoldiers Authors
Found inCaesar, J. Commentaries of his wars in Gaul, 1732: t.p. (Aulus Hirtius)
InU/Wing STC files (usage: ...A. Hircii; A. Hirtius Pansa)
Encyc. Brit., 15th ed. (Hirtius, Aulus; b. ca. 90 B.C.; d. 4/21/43 B.C.; Roman soldier and writer; almost certainly the author of Caesar's Commentaries, the 8th book of the Gallic War)
Smith, W. Classical dict. of Gk & Roman biog., mythol. & geog., 1894 (Hirtius, A.; d. 4/27/43 B.C.)
LC data base, 12/17/84 (hdg.: Hirtius, Aulus)
La lunga guerra civile, c2001: (Pseudo-Cesare)
Los comentarios de Gayo Julio Cesar, 1498: fol. LXIIII verso (Aulo Hirc̨io)
Associated languagelat