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Calov, Abraham, 1612-1686

LC control no.n 84156748
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCalov, Abraham, 1612-1686
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Variant(s)Calovius, Abraham, 1612-1686
Kalau, Abraham, 1612-1686
LocatedWittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Birth date16120416
Death date16860225
Place of birthMohrungen, Germany
Place of deathWittenberg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany
Profession or occupationTheologians College teachers
Found inJ.S. Bach and scripture, c1985: CIP pref. (Abraham Calov)
LC manual cat. (hdg.: Calov, Abraham, 1612-1686)
Biblia Novi Testamenti illustrata, 1719: title page (...D. Abraham Calovii, P.P. in Acad. Wittenberg. primarii, et Elect. Sax. Superint. Generalis)
Wikipedia, viewed Jun. 18, 2013 (Abraham Calovius; also Abraham Calov, or Abraham Kalau; born Apr. 16, 1612, Mohrungen, Germany; died Feb. 25 1686, Wittenberg, Germany; Lutheran theologian and professor at Wittenberg)
Associated languagelat