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Lenaerts, Koenraad

LC control no.n 85061050
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingLenaerts, Koenraad
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Variant(s)Lenaerts, Koen
Associated countryBelgium
Birth date1954-12-20
Field of activityLaw
AffiliationCourt of Justice of the European Union Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven (1970- )
Profession or occupationJudges Law teachers
Found inHis Constitutie en rechter, c1983: t.p. (Koenraad Lenaerts)
nuc88-138125: Hecke, G. van. Internationaal privaatrecht, 1986 (hdg. on CU-L rept.: Lenaerts, Koenraad; usage: Koen Lenaerts)
Building the European Union, 2021: ECIP title page (Koenraad Lenaerts) list of contributors (President of the Court of Justice of the European Union and Professor of European Union Law at the University of Leuven)
Wikipedia, viewed May 20, 2021 (Koen Lenaerts, Baron Lenaerts; born 20 December 1954 in Mortsel) is a Belgian jurist and the President of the Court of Justice of the European Union. He is also a Professor of European Law at the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven").
EU constitutional law, 2022: title page (Koen Lenaerts)