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Hegendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540

LC control no.n 85086200
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingHegendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540
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Variant(s)Hegendorffyne, Christopher, 1500-1540
Hegendorphinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540
Hegendorff, Christoph, 1500-1540
Hegendorfer, Christoph, 1500-1540
Hengendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540
Hengendorphinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540
Hegendorffinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540
Hegendorphius, Christoforus, 1500-1540
Hegendorfinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540
Hegendorf, Christophorus, 1500-1540
Hegendorfius, Christophorus, 1500-1540
Hegendorffius, Christophorus, 1500-1540
C. H., 1500-1540
Ch. H., 1500-1540
Hegen., Christophorus, 1500-1540
Hegend., Christophorus, 1500-1540
Hegendor., Christophorus, 1500-1540
Hegendorfphinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540
Heggendorphinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540
Hegen, Christoph, 1500-1540
Sericarius, C., 1500-1540
Seydensticker, C., 1500-1540
Other standard no.0000000121335879
LocatedLüneburg (Germany)
Place of birthLeipzig (Germany)
Place of deathLüneburg (Germany)
Profession or occupationPhilologists Theologians Lawyers Humanists Poets Authors Clergy
Found inMacropedius, G. Methodus de conscribendis epistolis, 1649: t.p. (Christopheri Hegendorphini)
UnM/Wing files (hdg.: Hegendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540; usage: Christoph Hengendorph; Christoforum Hegendorphium; Christopher Hegendorffyne; Christophoro Hengendorphino; Christophoru Hegendorphinum)
Allg. deut. biog. (Hegendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540)
Neue deut. Biog. (Hegendorff(inus) (Hegendorphinus, Hegendorfer), Christoph(orus), b. 1500, d. 8/8/1540)
BnF, catalogue général, viewed June 13, 2022 (Hegendorf, Christoph ; philologist, theologian and lawyer ; born 1500 in Leipzig, died 8 August 1540 in Lüneburg ; variant name: Hegendorfinus, Christophorus)
Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed June 13, 2022 (Hegendorph, Christoph ; German humanist, writer, poet, protestant theologian and lawyer ; superintendent in Lüneburg ; variant names: Hegendorf, Christophorus; Hegendorfius, Christophorus; Hegendorffius, Christophorus; C.H.; Ch.H.; Hegen., Christophorus; Hegend., Christophorus; Hegendor., Christophorus; Hegendorfphinus, Christophorus; Heggendorphinus, Christophorus; Hengendorph, Christoph; Hegen, Christoph; Hegendorfer, Christoph; Hengendorphinus, Christophorus)
Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen (NTA), viewed June 13, 2022 (Hegendorphinus, Christophorus ; variant names: Sericarius, C.; Seydensticker, C.)