LC control no. | n 85086200 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Hegendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540 |
Variant(s) | Hegendorffyne, Christopher, 1500-1540 Hegendorphinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540 Hegendorff, Christoph, 1500-1540 Hegendorfer, Christoph, 1500-1540 Hengendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540 Hengendorphinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540 Hegendorffinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540 Hegendorphius, Christoforus, 1500-1540 Hegendorfinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540 Hegendorf, Christophorus, 1500-1540 Hegendorfius, Christophorus, 1500-1540 Hegendorffius, Christophorus, 1500-1540 C. H., 1500-1540 Ch. H., 1500-1540 Hegen., Christophorus, 1500-1540 Hegend., Christophorus, 1500-1540 Hegendor., Christophorus, 1500-1540 Hegendorfphinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540 Heggendorphinus, Christophorus, 1500-1540 Hegen, Christoph, 1500-1540 Sericarius, C., 1500-1540 Seydensticker, C., 1500-1540 |
Other standard no. | 0000000121335879 |
Located | Lüneburg (Germany) |
Place of birth | Leipzig (Germany) |
Place of death | Lüneburg (Germany) |
Profession or occupation | Philologists Theologians Lawyers Humanists Poets Authors Clergy |
Found in | Macropedius, G. Methodus de conscribendis epistolis, 1649: t.p. (Christopheri Hegendorphini) UnM/Wing files (hdg.: Hegendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540; usage: Christoph Hengendorph; Christoforum Hegendorphium; Christopher Hegendorffyne; Christophoro Hengendorphino; Christophoru Hegendorphinum) Allg. deut. biog. (Hegendorph, Christoph, 1500-1540) Neue deut. Biog. (Hegendorff(inus) (Hegendorphinus, Hegendorfer), Christoph(orus), b. 1500, d. 8/8/1540) BnF, catalogue général, viewed June 13, 2022 (Hegendorf, Christoph ; philologist, theologian and lawyer ; born 1500 in Leipzig, died 8 August 1540 in Lüneburg ; variant name: Hegendorfinus, Christophorus) <> Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed June 13, 2022 (Hegendorph, Christoph ; German humanist, writer, poet, protestant theologian and lawyer ; superintendent in Lüneburg ; variant names: Hegendorf, Christophorus; Hegendorfius, Christophorus; Hegendorffius, Christophorus; C.H.; Ch.H.; Hegen., Christophorus; Hegend., Christophorus; Hegendor., Christophorus; Hegendorfphinus, Christophorus; Heggendorphinus, Christophorus; Hengendorph, Christoph; Hegen, Christoph; Hegendorfer, Christoph; Hengendorphinus, Christophorus) <> Nederlandse Thesaurus van Auteursnamen (NTA), viewed June 13, 2022 (Hegendorphinus, Christophorus ; variant names: Sericarius, C.; Seydensticker, C.) |