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Wolfenbüttel (Principality)

LC control no.n 85182353
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingWolfenbüttel (Principality)
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Geographic subdivision usageGermany--Wolfenbüttel (Principality)
Variant(s)Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel (Principality)
Fürstentum Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel
See alsoBraunschweig (Duchy)
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Found inAlbrecht, P. Die Förderung des Landesausbaues im Herzogtum Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel im Spiegel der Verwaltungsakten des 18. Jahrhunderts (1671-1806), 1980: p. 9 (Fürstentum Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel; text makes it clear that "Herzogtum Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel" does not refer, when applied to the period covered by this book, to any administrative (jurisdictional) entity of that name, but only to the various principalities, collectively taken, ruled by the Haus Braunschweig-Lüneburg, Wolfenbüttelsches Teil, the chief of which is the Fürstentum [Principality] Wolfenbüttel)
Sante, G.W. Geschichte der deutschen Länder,1964-1971: v. 1, p. 363 (Fürstentum Wolfenbüttel)
LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Wolfenbüttel (Principality); while the genealogical line Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel died out in 1634, the principality (Fürstentum) Wolfenbüttel continued until the end of the Holy Roman Empire (1806); the duchy (Herzogtum) Braunschweig-Lüneburg, created in 1235, had at most a theoretical existence in 16th and 17th cent.; note Sante, v. 1, p. 362, 368)
Brockhaus Enzyklöp., 1974 (Wolfenbüttel, 3: Fürstentum)
Saillot, J. Chronologie universelle des souverains et chefs d'Etat, 1961: p. 88-89 (Brunswick, former duchy of Lower Saxony; formed as a countship in 955, became duchy 1235; in 1404 was divided, the chief parts being Wolfenbüttel and Brunswick-Lunebourg; Wolfenbüttel was ruled 1404-1634 by house of Liguria, 1634-1735 by house of Lüneburg, 1735-1885 by house of Bevern (except 1807-1813 when it was in Napoleonic Kingdom of Westphalia), 1885-1918 regency, 1918 incorporated into republic of Saxony; Brunswick-Lunebourg, on the other hand, was ruled by house of Liguria (but different members from the Ligurian rulers of Wolfenbïttel) from 1404 to 1648, when it passed to Brunswick-Calenberg and Brunswick-Zelle) [Saillot, like all lists of dynasties and rulers, is inaccurate or misleading regarding this complex situation; as an aid to determining entry of publications, read as necessary in Sante, cited above])
Geographic area codee-gx---