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Rosen, Al

LC control no.n 85194357
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRosen, Al
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Variant(s)Rosen, Albert Leonard
Rosen, Albert, 1924-2015
Birth date19240229
Death date20150313
Place of birthSpartanburg (S.C.)
Place of deathRancho Mirage (Calif.)
Field of activityBaseball
AffiliationCleveland Indians (Baseball team)
Profession or occupationBaseball players
Found inLCCN 67-18027: Rosen, A. Baseball and your boy, 1967 (hdg.: Rosen, Al)
LC data base, 8-1-85 (hdg.: Rosen, Al) LC manual auth. cd. (hdg.: Rosen, Al; usage: Al Rosen; Albert Rosen; former member of Cleveland Indians baseball team)
Current biog., 1954 (Rosen, Al(bert Leonard), b. 3/1/25; baseball player)
New York times (online), viewed Mar. 17, 2015 (in obituary published Mar. 14: Al Rosen; b. Albert Leonard Rosen, Feb. 29, 1924, Spartanburg, S.C.; d. Friday [Mar. 13, 2015], Rancho Mirage, Calif., aged 91; slugging third baseman for the Cleveland Indians who was unanimously named the American League's most valuable player in 1953, when he came within a hit of winning the batting triple crown, but whose career was cut short by injury)
Associated languageeng