LC control no. | n 85220013 |
Personal name heading | Rumelhart, David E. |
Found in | His Parallel distributed processing, 1986: v. 1, CIP t.p. (David E. Rumelhart) LC data base, 10-11-85 (hdg.: Rumelhart, David E.) Cognitive science, c1999: t.p. (David E. Rumelhart; Dept. of Psychology, Stanford Univ., Stanford, Calif) New York times WWW site, Mar. 21, 2011 (in obituary published Mar. 18: David E. Rumelhart; b. David Everett Rumelhart, June 6, 1942, Wessington Springs, S.D.; d. Sunday [Mar. 13, 2011], Chelsea, Mich., aged 68; his computer simulations of perception gave scientists some of the first testable models of neural processing and proved helpful in the development of machine learning and artificial intelligence) |