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Murray, H. J. R. (Harold James Ruthven), 1869-1955

LC control no.n 85319925
Personal name headingMurray, H. J. R. (Harold James Ruthven), 1869-1955
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Variant(s)Murray, Harold James Ruthven, 1869-1955
Found inHis A history of chess, 1986?: t.p. (H.J.R. Murray) jkt. (b. Camberwell, Eng., in 1868; son of Sir James Murray, ed. of Oxford English dict.)
LC data base, 9-11-86 (hdg.: Murray, Harold James Ruthven, 1869-1955; usage: H.J.R. Murray)
Foster, J. Oxford men, 1880-1892, 1893: p. 434 (Murray, Harold James Ruthven, b. at Peckham, Surrey, 1869)
Not found inDNB; WWW, 1951-1960.