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Mareš, František Václav

LC control no.n 86009671
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMareš, František Václav
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Variant(s)Mareš, Franciscus Venceslaus
Mareš, Franciszek Wacław
Mareš, Francis Wenceslas
Maresh, Frantishek Vat︠s︡lav
Mareš, Franjo Većeslav
Birth date1922-12-20
Death date1994
Place of birthBenešov (Středočeský kraj, Czech Republic)
Profession or occupationPhilologists
Found inLitterae slavicae medii aevi, 1985: t.p. (Francisco Venceslao Mareš) p. 7 (František Václav Mareš; b. 12-20-22 in Benešov/Beneschau in Böhmen)
LC data base, 7-9-86 (hdg.: Mareš, František Václav)
Pierwzy słowiański język literacki i początki piśmiennictwa słowiańskiego, 1994: t.p. (Franciszek Wacław Mareš)
An Anthology of Church Slavonic texts of Western (Czech) origin, 1979 (a.e.) t.p. (Francis Wenceslas Mareš, Univ. of Vienna)
Makedonská gramatika, 1994: t.p. (František Václav Mareš) added t.p. (Frantishek Vat︠s︡lav Maresh)
Diachronische Phonologie des Ur- und Frühslavischen, c1999: t.p. (František Václav Mareš) p. [4] of cover (b. 1922, d. 1994)
Rječnik crkvenoslavenskoga jezika hrvatske redakcije, I. svezak, 2002: colophon (Franjo Većeslav Mareš)