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LC control no.n 86060266
Geographic headingDacia
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Geographic subdivision usageDacia
Special noteSUBJECT USAGE: As a geographic subdivision, this heading is used directly.
Found inGostar, N. Societatea geto-dacică de la Burebista la Decebal, 1984: p. 18 etc. (Dacia)
Webster's new geogr. dic., 1980: p. 309 (Dacia, ancient country, cen. Europe, modern Romania)
Mic dic. enc., 1977: p. 1231 (Dacia, teritoriul locuit în antic. de geto-daci, astăzi România)
Encyc. Brit., 1978 (Dacia; in ancient times, area of Carpathian mtns. and Transylvania)
Invalid LCCNsh 85035352