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Casaca, José Paulo Martins

LC control no.n 86078074
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingCasaca, José Paulo Martins
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Variant(s)Martins Casaca, José Paulo
Casaca, Paulo
Found inO papel do sector leiteiro no desenvolvimento ... 1985: t.p. (José Paulo Martins Casaca)
Brie, A. People's Mojahedin of Iran, 2005: t.p. (Paulo Casaca)
Partido Socialista, via www, 26 Apr. 2006: Socialistas Portugueses no Parlamento Europeu (JOSÉ PAULO MARTINS CASACA, b.2 Jul 1957 in Lisbon, Portugal)
Wikipedia, via www, 26 Apr. 2006: (Sr. Paulo Casaca, b. 2 July 1957, Lisbon, is a Portuguese politician and Member of the European Parliament for Portugal's Socialist Party (Partido Socialista); part of the Party of European Socialists)
The merits of regional cooperation, 2014: t.p. (Paulo Casaca) p. 183 (founder and Exec. Dir. of the S. Asia Democratic Forum)
Invalid LCCNn 2014046983