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Dupré, John

LC control no.n 86093133
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingDupré, John
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Birth date19520703
Found inThe Latest on the best, c1987: CIP t.p. (John Dupré) p. 1 of galley (Dept. of Phil., Stanford Univ.)
LCCN 2010020645: Nature after the genome, 2010 (usage: John Dupré), Aug. 30, 2010 (Nature after the genome, about the author: director of Egenis (ESRC Centre for Genomics in Society) and professor of philosophy of science, University of Exeter)
University of Exeter, Dept. of Sociology and Philosophy, faculty Web site, Ayg. 30, 2010 (Professor John Dupré; Ph. D., Cambridge, 1981)
University of Cambridge Web OPAC, Aug. 30, 2010 (Dupré, John Austin--Reductionism, natural kinds, and the disunity of science [Ph. D. Dissertation, approved July 28, 1981)
Biog. resource center, Aug. 30, 2010 (John A. Dupré; b. July 3, 1952, Pembury, England; Ph. D., Cambridge U., 1981; dir., Exeter Genomics Rsch. Inst., 2002; prof. philosophy, Stanford U., 1975-96)