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Kunowice (Poland)

LC control no.n 86111477
Geographic headingKunowice (Poland)
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See alsoKunersdorf (Germany)
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Found inNUCMC data from LC Mss. Div. for Memoires sur la guerre, 1759 (Kundersdorf (Kunowice); place of battle during Seven Years' War)
Web. Geo. Dict., 1969 (Kunowice; German: Kunersdorf; village in W. Poland, 4 mi. E. of Frankfurt; formerly in Brandenburg, Germany)
Col. Lipp. Gaz., 1976 (Kunersdorf or Kunowice; village in Brandenburg; after 1945 in Zielona prov. W. Poland)
GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 52°21ʹ00ʺN 014°38ʹ00ʺE)