LC control no. | n 86114123 |
Descriptive conventions | rda |
Personal name heading | Egnazio, Giovanni Battista, approximately 1478-1553 |
Variant(s) | Cipelli, Giambattista, approximately 1478-1553 Cipelli, Giovanni Battista, approximately 1478-1553 Egnace, Iehan Baptiste, approximately 1478-1553 Egnace, Jehan Baptiste, approximately 1478-1553 Egnatius, Ioannes Baptista, approximately 1478-1553 Egnatius, Iohannes Baptista, Venetus, approximately 1478-1553 Egnatius, Joannes Baptista, approximately 1478-1553 Egnazio, Giovanni Battista, 1478 (ca.)-1553 Egnazio, Giovanni Battista, ca. 1478-1553 |
Other standard no. | 0000000109285733 |
Located | Venice (Italy) |
Birth date | 1478~ |
Death date | 1553-06-27 |
Place of birth | Venice (Italy) |
Place of death | Venice (Italy) |
Profession or occupation | Authors Humanists Priests Philologists |
Found in | Caesarum uitae post Suetonium Tranquillum conscriptae, 1551: t.p. (Ioan. Baptistae Egnatij Veneti ...) LC database, 4-10-87 (hdg.: Egnazio, Giovanni Battista, 1478 (ca.)-1553; usage: Iehan Baptiste Egnace) LC manual auth. cd. (name originally: Giovanni Battista Cipelli) Eckstein (Egnazio, Giov. Batt. (eigentlich Cipelli), 1473-1553) Pokel (Egnatius (Egnazio, eigent. Cipelli) G.B., 1473-1553) Enc. ital. (Cipelli, Giambattista, ca. 1473-1553 (detto Egnazio) Dion Cassius Nicaeus. Aelius Spartianus ... 1544: t.p. (Iohannis Baptistae Egnatij Veneti) Hermolai Barbari Patritij Veneti et Aquileiensis Patriarchae, in Dioscoridem Corollarioru[m] Libri Quinque. 1530: t. p. verso (B. Egnatius) Katalog der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek, viewed February 9th, 2024 (Egnazio, Giovanni Battista (1478-1553) was an Italian humanist, philologist, canonist and author) <> English Wikipedia, viewed February 9th, 2024 (Giovanni Battista Cipelli (1478-1553), better known as Egnazio, was a Venetian priest and humanist. Egnazio's published writings include two books, three poems, four orations and some letters. His work as an editor is more notable, especially his work with Desiderius Erasmus and on the work of Suetonius. Seventeen publications bear his name as editor, sixteen in Latin and one in Greek. By 1502, he had joined the priesthood. From 1520 to 1549 he taught Latin at San Marco in Venice) <> |