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Nannini, Remigio, 1521?-1581?

LC control no.n 86120322
LC classificationPQ4874.A535
Personal name headingNannini, Remigio, 1521?-1581?
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Variant(s)Remigio, Fiorentino, 1521?-1581?
Nanni, Remigio, 1521?-1581?
Naunini, Remigio, 1521?-1581?
Remy, of Florence, 1521?-1581?
Found inFazello, T. Storia di Sicilia, 1985: v. 1, p. 1 (P.M. Remigio fiorentino)
LC manual auth. card (Nannini, Remigio, 1521?-1581?; usage: Remigio fiorentino; Nanni, Remigio; Remy of Florence)