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Bothe, Friedrich Heinrich, 1771-1855

LC control no.n 86848460
Personal name headingBothe, Friedrich Heinrich, 1771-1855
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Bothe, Fridericus Henricus, 1771-1855
Bothe, F. H., 1771-1855
Hotibius, Ludovicus, 1771-1855
Vossius, Joannes Henricus, 1771-1855
Found innuc86-78530: Bothe, F.H. Virgilius Virgilianus ... [MI] 1821 (hdg. on MimC rept.: Bothe, Friedrich Heinrich, 1771-1855)
NUC Pre-56 (hdg.: Bothe, Friedrich Heinrich, 1771-1855; usages: Frid. Heinr. Bothe; Fridericus Henricus Bothe; Fridericvs Henricvs Bothe Magdeburgensis; F.H. Bothe; Ludovicus Hotibius Rigensis; Joannis Henrici Vossii)