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Machej, Zbigniew, 1958-

LC control no.n 87144777
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingMachej, Zbigniew, 1958-
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Birth date19580817
Found innuc87-120337: His Smakosze, kochankowie i płatni mordercy, 1984 (hdg. on MH rept.: Machej, Zbigniew, 1958- ; usage: Zbigniew Machej)
Kraina wiecznych zer, 1997: cover (Zbigniew Machej)
Wikipedia, Jan. 2, 2013 (Zbigniew Machej; b. Aug. 17, 1958; Polish poet; translator of Czech and Slovak literature; cultural activist)