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Thupten Jinpa

LC control no.n 87841384
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingThupten Jinpa
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Variant(s)Thubten Jinpa
Geshe Thubten Jinpa
Jinpa, Geshe Thubten
Jinpa, Thupten
Thub-bstan-sbyin-pa, Glaṅ-ri-ba
Glaṅ-ri-ba Thub-bstan-sbyin-pa
Gliṅ-ri-ba Thub-bstan-sbyin-pa
Other standard no.0000000108589292
Birth date1958
Place of birthTibet
AffiliationCambridge University
Profession or occupationMonks College teachers Translators Authors
Special noteNon-Latin script reference not evaluated.
Found inThe union of bliss and emptiness, c1988: CIP t.p. (Thupten Jinpa)
Path to bliss, 1991: CIP t.p. (Geshe Thubten Jinpa)
Raṅ rigs blo gsar ba rnams la dam paʼi chos kyi sñiṅ ... 1994: t.p. (Glaṅ-ri-ba Thub-bstan-sbyin-pa) cover Gliṅ-ri-ba Thub-bstan-sbyin-pa) p. 191 (Lha-rams-pa Thub-bstan-sbyin-pa; b. 1958) p. 192 (taught Buddhist phil. at Gaden Shartse Monastry) p. 193 (studied at Cambridge Univ.; Eng. translator to Dalai Lama XIV)
Skyabs-rje Dze-smad Rin-po-cheʼi gsuṅ rtsom gces btus, 1997: t.p. (Glaṅ-ri-ba Thub-bstan-sbyin-pa)
Cong huai yi zhong jue xing, 2011: title page (圖登 . 錦巴)
McGill University staff profile page, 23 August 2017 (Thupten Jinpa, Adjunct professor, Tibetan Buddhist philosophy; born in Tibet in 1958; early education and training as a monk at Zongkar Chöde Monastery in South India and later joined the Shartse College of Ganden monastic university, South India, where he received the Geshe Lharam degree; taught Buddhist epistemology, metaphysics, Middle Way philosophy and Buddhist psychology at Ganden for five years; holds B.A. Honours in Western Philosophy and a Ph.D. in Religious Studies, both from Cambridge University, UK; since 1985 he has been a principal English translator to His Holiness the Dalai Lama and has traveled extensively in this capacity; currently is Visiting Research Scholar at the Stanford Institute for Neuro-Innovation and Translational Neurosciences; also serves as President of the Institute of Tibetan Classics in Montreal, Canada)
Associated languagetib eng