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Artegna (Italy)

LC control no.n 88036378
Geographic headingArtegna (Italy)
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Geographic subdivision usageItaly--Artegna
Variant(s)Arthenea (Italy)
Artenia (Italy)
Retenia (Italy)
Dithenia (Italy)
Found inFogolini, L. La percezione della ricostruzione postsismica in Friuli, 1987: t.p. (Artegna)
BGN (Artegna, popl. 46°14ʹN, 13°09ʹE)
Artegna, c2009: p. 13 (Arthenea; Artenia; Retenia; Dithenia [no publs. in LC] ancient names of Artegna)
Geographic area codee-it---