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Rennie, John, Sir, 1794-1874

LC control no.n 88067775
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingRennie, John, Sir, 1794-1874
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Birth date1794-08-30
Death date1874-09-03
Field of activityCivil engineering
Profession or occupationCivil engineers
Found inRiver Ouze outfall improvement, 1839: p. 13 (signed, John Rennie)
The theory, formation, and construction of British and foreign harbours, 1854: title page (by Sir John Rennie)
MdU/G-K files (hdg: Rennie, Sir John, 1794-1874; usage: Sir John Rennie)
Wikipedia, June 24, 2024 (Sir John Rennie FRSA (30 August 1794 - 3 September 1874) was the second son of engineer John Rennie the Elder, and brother of George Rennie. On the death of his father in 1821, John remained in partnership with his brother George, the civil engineering portion of the business being carried on by him, whereas the mechanical engineering was supervised by George)