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Carroll (N.H. : Town)

LC control no.n 88252828
Descriptive conventionsrda
Geographic headingCarroll (N.H. : Town)
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Geographic subdivision usageNew Hampshire--Carroll (Town)
Variant(s)Briton Woods (N.H.)
See alsoBretton Woods (N.H. : Town)
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Found inMcAvoy, G.E. And then there was one, 1988: p. vii (town of Bretton Woods renamed Carroll; original royal land grant of Bretton-Woods, N.H., is today primarily the town of Carroll; a portion resumed name of Bretton Woods in 1903)
Rand McN. commer. atlas, 1985: p. 415 (Carroll, town of, Coos County, N.H)
GNIS, June 21, 2001 (Carroll, Town of; civil; estab. 1772; Coos County; variants: Bretton Woods, Briton Woods; map: Mount Dartmouth; lat.: 441821N; long.: 0712940W)
GeoNames, algorithmically matched, 2009 (ppl; 44°17ʹ54ʺN 071°32ʹ26ʺW)
Geographic area coden-us-nh