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Wilkins, Ernie

LC control no.n 88629938
Descriptive conventionsrda
Personal name headingWilkins, Ernie
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Variant(s)Wilkens, Ernie
Wilkins, Ernest Brooks
Birth date1922-07-20
Death date1999-06-05
Place of birthSaint Louis (Mo.)
Place of deathCopenhagen (Denmark)
Field of activityJazz
Profession or occupationComposers Saxophonists
Arrangers (Musicians)
Found inErnie Wilkins Almost Big Band. On the roll [SR] p1987: label (Ernie Wilkins) container (saxophones, arranger, and conductor)
New Grove dict. of jazz (Wilkins, Ernie (Ernest Brooks); b. July 20, 1922, St. Louis; composer, arranger, and saxophonist)
New York Times, June 8, 1999 (Ernie Wilkins, jazz saxophonist, composer, 79, d. June 5, 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark)
This is Carmen McRae, 1967?: container (Ernie Wilkens)
AMF, June 22, 2004 (This is Carmen McRae: Ernie Wilkins, arranger)
Lord, T., Jazz disc., v. 14, p. M548 and CD-ROM Something to swing about, Carmen McRae with Ernie Wilkins Orchestra, Kapp KL 1169 (LCCN 94757652). Cites KL 1541 (This is Carmen McRae, LCCN 94757505) but title not listed.
Invalid LCCNn 94074897