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Brodeau, Jean, 1500-1563

LC control no.n 88650894
Personal name headingBrodeau, Jean, 1500-1563
    Browse this term in  LC Authorities  or the  LC Catalog
Variant(s)Brodaeus, Ioannes, 1500-1563
Brodaeus, Jo. (Joannes), 1500-1563
Found innuc88-63440: Author's Ioannis Brodaëi Tvronensis in omnia Xenophontis opera ... [MI] 1559 (hdg. on CtY rept.: Brodeau, Jean, 1500-1563)
Jöcher, C. Allgem. Gelehrten-Lexicon ... 1750: I, col. 1394 (Brodaeus, Jo.)